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The sequence of work on design project and its implementation

Our work begins with your request and ends with a housewarming party.

1. Contacting the studio

You can call us phone, write an email or send a message on Whatsapp or Telegram. The chief designer of the studio will advise you and answer all your questions regarding the timing, order, cost and everything else. If you want to receive a commercial offer with all the details and so that information about your project is always at hand, click here.

2. First meeting

It is always carried out by the chief designer. This can be done in person or by video link. It is important for us to get to know each other, to see the floor plan and wishes for the interior, to understand the expected time frame and budget. We will introduce you to the specifics and tell you in detail how the work on your project will be carried out. This meeting has an important role, because it determines whether it is possible to implement the project in the specified conditions. We name the real terms, budgets and options for solving various problems. And we never promise what we cannot fulfill.

3. Concluding a contract and agreeing on a schedule

We always work under a contract. We strongly recommend that you request an agreement and discuss with us in advance, so that by the time of signing we can settle all comments. We have refused to use paper documents, and the agreement will be sent to you in electronic form. It will be possible to sign it directly on the screen of your smartphone without printing. You do not need to have a special electronic signature for this.
The contract will contain a timetable for the project. It clearly reflects the start and end dates of work on each of the stages, the date of sending the result to the customer, as well as the number of days it takes to approve the materials sent by the customer and send comments to the studio. It is easy to understand from the schedule whether there is a lead or a lag and for what reason. The schedule is updated daily.

4. Measurements and creation of a measurement plan

You meet at the facility with the lead designer who will be working on the project. We get to know the object and discuss the wishes on the spot. We carry out measurements of premises using laser equipment and take photographs. It is necessary to fix the dismantled partitions, supporting structures, ventilation shafts, screed, heating, water and sewerage wiring, glazing, heat and waterproofing. It is important to make an accurate measurement, as this data will save you from errors in the design and overspending of materials during repairs. Measurement takes 1-2 hours depending on the area of the object.
If necessary, we request the executive schemes of utilities in the HOA, if some construction solutions are not obvious or are hidden under the finishing. The result of the visit to the object is a measurement plan with an indication of all sizes and features of rooms, windows, doorways, placement of electricians, plumbing and ventilation. It takes 1-2 working days to measure and prepare a measurement plan.

5. Writing the technical specifications

In order for the interior to clearly meet your requirements, we need to hear your wishes for planning, style, engineering, furniture, materials, lighting, shades, etc. At this stage, we also discuss the budget and the planned schedule for the renovation work. The lead designer does this using a pre-prepared questionnaire in a personal conversation or by video link. We can send it in advance so that you can prepare and think about your decisions. If the project is being prepared for a family, we recommend that you complete it together. Next, we create a closed board in Pinterest, where together with the customer we upload the images of the interiors (references) that you like.
After that, we create an album of technical specifications and send it to you for addition and approval. Decorated in an album, the task gives the customer the opportunity to once again look at all their wishes in full and confirm that this is exactly what is needed. It usually takes 2-4 working days to draw up, revise and agree on the terms of reference with the customer.

6. Development of planning solutions

Based on the terms of reference, we are preparing 3 options for strictly corresponding layouts. In the course of work we get more of it, but we start our discussion with these three. The drawings will indicate supporting structures and ventilation shafts, partitions, doors, furniture and all overall dimensions. If there is a ventilation system or a smart home in the project, we meet in advance with the executors of these systems to discuss the nuances. They will need space to accommodate their equipment, and we must take that into mind when making plans. In the discussion, we select the most suitable parts from each option with the customer in order to create one that is ideally suited to his requirements.

When developing the layout, we do not violate the rules for joining premises and changing wet zones, so that with sweat there are no questions about it. If there is a need, then at this stage we will prepare the necessary drawings and transfer them to the company for the approval and legalization of redevelopment. This stage requires 3-5 working days for development and 1-2 days for making changes. The lead designer and chief designer are working on the creation of the layout.

You can start repairs after you have decided on the layout. This is about one and a half to two weeks after the start of work on the design. We will prepare dismantling and installation plans and hand it over to the builders. While they are breaking old and making new walls, we will continue to work on the project. This move allows you to complete the repairs on average 1-1.5 months earlier.

7. Visualization of the interior

The lead designer and chief designer prepare the visual concept. This is an album of images /collages, created on the basis of your selected references on Pinterest, in which we show what finishing materials, furniture, lighting and plumbing will be used in a particular room, give a detailed description of these solutions and offer options to choose from. We do this in order to understand that our perception of shapes and shades does not differ from yours, and we are moving in the right direction.

After that, our renderers move on to 3D graphics. Work with him is supervised by the lead designer of the project. The development of the task for the visualizer is supervised by the chief designer. We usually distribute the volume among several renderers to reduce the project development time.

We start working with the main rooms - living room, kitchen, dining room. We send you preliminary visualizations and discuss them together. It is important to look at the interior as a whole, because individual perception is not always the same as volume perception. We send all changes to the visualizers for revision and receive an updated version in 2-3 working days. We look at the interior again. If, nevertheless, it is necessary to correct something else, we will correct it. After that, we give the task to prepare the final visualizations. This is the case with all rooms.

The result of this stage is a set of photorealistic images for all rooms from different angles. We prepare even preliminary sketches in high quality so that the presentation is clear. The visualization is carried out on the basis of the chosen layout and visual concept and takes from 10 to 25 working days, depending on the area.
Compare photos of completed projects and its visualizations

8. Drawings

Now everything that we have created in the previous stages must be recorded in the drawings, and the more details, the better. There will be fewer questions from builders. By the start of this stage, the drawings are already partially ready, since we are making some plans and unfolding of the walls for assigning to the visualizer. We need to complete the missing sections, check them thoroughly and put them together. In fact, this is the main part of the project, which will be a detailed guide for builders, and it needs to be given special attention. Many things are determined here, which, if not thought out, will then interfere with comfortable living. For example, an inconveniently located outlet / its absence or an illiterate distribution of light groups in the room. Working drawings are always developed in conjunction with the performers of ventilation and smart home, if any systems are available, since some nodes of their projects must be taken into account and combined with ours.

The standard set of drawings that are included in the design project looks like this: - measurement plan of the room - plan of demolished partitions - plan of the partitions to be erected - plan for the arrangement of furniture and equipment - plan for filling doorways - layout of plumbing equipment - layout of ventilation equipment - plan of arrangement of lighting fixtures with indication of groups - layout of switches indicating the inclusion of groups of luminaires - layout of electrical outlets and special connectors
- floor plan with coverage area, type of material used and level - plan of underfloor heating with binding of the regulator - plan of ceilings indicating dimensions, heights, type of material used and cuts - sweeps of the walls of the room with the application of structural elements, wiring products and decorative types of finishes, indicating the area of the selected material - drawings of furniture items, architectural elements and decor, made to order.

This stage requires 5-7 working days for development and 1-2 days for making changes. Drawings are developed by a leading designer and checked by a chief designer.

When we reach this stage, the construction site is already at the stage of building new partitions. Builders need plumbing and electrical blueprints. Therefore, we make them first of all and transfer them to the construction site, and then we continue to work on the rest of the drawings.

9. Bill of materials, furniture and equipment

In order for the repairs to go on schedule, it is necessary to supply it. We will indicate what finishing materials, furniture, plumbing and light were used in the project, we will write the quantity, names, places of possible purchase and the average market price. We do this in the form of an Excel spreadsheet with crammed formulas so that you can easily edit it if changes are made to your repair budget. We will also attach a procurement sequence for cost planning. An example of such a statement can be found here. The lead designer prepares the statement within 2-3 working days. She undergoes a mandatory check by the chef.
This completes the design work, and we transfer the album with the project signed by the project team. Next, we move on to implementation, and the next processes will be bundling and control. If we played ahead of the curve at the planning stage and working drawings, as described above, then by the time the project was completed we have erected new partitions and plumbing / electrical wiring at the facility.

Completion of the object

The complete set is made by the leading designer. The basis for completing with furniture, equipment and materials is laid even when drawing up a technical assignment for a project. At this stage, we determine the approximate budget and then put into the design project items and materials that will not go beyond the expected spending. After the delivery of the project and the transition to implementation, we request commercial proposals for the necessary positions from our suppliers. At this stage, a lot of work is being done, since we request a large number of commercial offers and answer clarifying questions from suppliers. We always give alternatives: so, for example, to calculate the kitchen, we will send a production order to 5 different factories, in order to then compare their proposals and choose the best one for the customer. We filter all received proposals, optimize them for a given budget and submit to the customer only those that meet his requirements. Then, together with the customer, we go to the salons and production facilities, whose proposals "fit" into the given parameters of the project and conduct a detailed acquaintance and selection of materials and items. After placing an order at the factory, we enter it into the delivery schedule and make sure that the delivery to the site takes place on time. We meet and check the items and materials brought to you. In the event of deficiencies or shortages, we will independently contact the supplier and resolve these situations.


These are measures aimed at ensuring that the builders bring the project to life as intended. This will be monitored by the lead designer, who visits the construction site on a weekly basis in order to monitor the compliance of the work performed with the design project. We maintain an electronic journal of copyright control, which indicates all identified deviations, as well as recommendations for their elimination. The repair manager is obliged to take this information into account. The designer takes photos and videos and sends the customer a full report on the work carried out and the results achieved.
As part of the author's control, we make any changes to the working documentation of the project, which turned out to be necessary for its successful implementation. We also support, lead the project and give recommendations by phone, video communication and chat What's App: builders will always be able to get a prompt answer if something goes wrong.
The visit of the lead designer to the object, as a rule, lasts about 1-1.5 hours, we send the construction report on the same day.
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FISHEYE Architecture & Design

29660, Nueva Andalucia, Marbella, Malaga
Tel: +34 695 658 669


E-mail: fisheye.info@gmail.com